$3,200 Gold - How the U.S. Debt Trap Could Get Us There

7 Can the U.S. Debt Trap lead to $3,200 Gold? life 20 years ago, or 30 years ago, even 50 years ago. How often did people worry about Social Security defaulting when they were going to retire? How reliable were government services compared to today? Did we worry about our credit-worthiness and standing in the world? What were prices like at the grocery store compared to wages? Now think about 20, 30, or 50 years from now when your kids and grandkids are facing life challenges. What kind of world are they inheriting if this continues? Not only that, but consider — we owe much of the debt technically to ourselves in the form of unfunded liabilities and IOUs owed to various investment vehicles and bonds. Are you counting in YOUR asset column something that is a liability to a government awash in unsustainable debt? In the event of a government default, what portion of your net Rachel Mills is a Lear Capital Global Financial Research Specialist. She has a degree in History from UNC-Chapel Hill where she also took coursework in Economics, Business and Law. She also studied Law and Literature at Oxford University. Rachel was Communications Director for Representative Ron Paul’s congressional office for 5 years until his retirement in 2013. She has had her finger on the pulse of the precious metals markets ever since. She is particularly interested in the intersection of politics and sound money. worth is at risk of vanishing into thin air? You both owe and are owed a portion of this debt, so yes, it affects you in direct ways you may not fully realize. What YOU Can Do to Protect Yourself But critically, what can you DO about all this? There is no point in stressing out about doom and gloom if you have no control, right? But there is actually something you COULD do. You could educate yourself, spot the trend and anticipate what is coming. You can prepare yourself and your finances accordingly. Take control of your fate. Prepare for the possible oncoming storm. If the price of gold rises in lock-step with debt, maybe it’s time to own some gold. As the dollar crumbles under the weight of debt and inflation, gold has stood in the breach, helping others preserve wealth. Arming yourself with this timeless asset is a hedge for your future. We believe precious metals are an important part of preparation. Historically, that has been the case and a well-diversified portfolio should reflect this. Is your portfolio balanced in defense of the never- ending government debt?