$3,200 Gold - How the U.S. Debt Trap Could Get Us There

CORPORATE ADDRESS Lear Capital, Inc. 1990 S. Bundy Drive, Suite 650 Los Angeles, CA 90025 (800) 781-5308 www.LearCapital.com Lear Capital, Inc.’s (“LCI”) website and brochures and the other information it disseminates are for general educational purposes only. They are not and should not be considered investment advice. Customers may not rely on these general education/information materials for any purpose. The precious metals markets, moreover, are fluid and fast changing. Information provided herein may be superseded by intervening events. LCI is not a financial planner, retirement specialist or investment professional. LCI does not provide legal advice, tax advice, or retirement-specific recommendations, and the information it provides does not take into account each customer’s particular economic circumstances and investment/retirement objectives. Your investment and retirement needs may be different and should be factored into any investment decision. Each customer is responsible for doing his or her own independent research regarding any decisions he or she makes about purchasing precious metals through LCI or elsewhere. Precious metals may appreciate, depreciate, or stay the same depending on a variety of factors. LCI cannot guarantee, and makes no representation, that precious metals will appreciate or appreciate sufficiently to make customer a profit. LCI’s precious metals prices include a fee (i.e., a margin over and above LCI’s cost for the physical precious metals). This fee covers LCI’s operating costs (such as rent, marketing and salaries) as well as LCI’s profits. LCI’s fees are variable, but are typically in the range of 33% for Numismatic, Semi-Numismatic and IRA transactions. Customer’s precious metals must appreciate enough to cover this fee for customer to make a profit. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. C.P.D.Reg. No “T.S.11-05715” i. https://www.thestreet.com/politics/national-debt-year-by-year-14876008 ii. https://www.ft.com/content/abc39431-1755-4906-b11e-ee9e53baadfe iii. https://www.forbes.com/sites/williampesek/2023/09/24/if-307-trillion-doesnt-scare-you-this-should/?sh=68fcdd194a9f iv. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/longtermcapital.asp v. https://www.usdebtclock.org/