The Tipping Point

By Rachel Mills Lear Capital Global Financial Research Specialist IN THIS REPORT WE COVER: How Americans could get crushed if the US dollar loses global reserve currency status Page 3 How the U.S. government is squandering the privilege of its reserve currency Page 4 BRICS and the credible forces aligning to dethrone the dollar Page 5 FEDNOW, CBDCs and the stranglehold of control coming to bank account Page 6-7 What defensive actions Americans can take NOW to survive Page 8 For all references, see page 9. THE TIPPING POINT Questions? Speak to a specialist at (800) 428-1493. 2 Spanish Real late 15th to 17th centuries Dutch Guilder 17th century British Pound Sterling 18th to mid-20th century Gold Standard 19th to early 20th century U.S. Dollar Mid-20th century to present On average, major world reserve currencies have tended to last for about 80-100 years. No reserve currency lasts forever. Is the dollar approaching its final tipping point? The U.S. dollar has been the dominant reserve currency since the end of World War II, initially because of its gold-backing and the trust placed in the U.S. government. However, in 1971 the U.S. abandoned the gold standard , ending the direct convertibility of the U.S. dollar into gold. They did this because gold was considered too “inelastic” for the spending preferences of politicians of the day. In other words, they wanted to outspend their available gold. So they switched to something they could print and spend at will. This marked the beginning of the era of fiat money .