No Money Out of Pocket IRA Rollover

We get it.
You understand the power of gold for your financial future.
Historically, gold has maintained purchasing power through currency shocks, recessions and depressions. You know that a portfolio that incorporates precious metals outperforms the DOW. You know that in 8,000 years of recorded human history, precious metals have functioned as a store of wealth and have never been worth zero. You know trusted economic voices recommend balancing and diversifying your portfolio with 5-20% in gold and silver as a backstop against inflation.
You know we're facing some rough times ahead.
Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve has said as much. Inflation is climbing, supply chains are strained, politicians in Washington are creating and spending unprecedented amounts of money, and their answer to inflation is to hire an army of 87,000 new IRS agents to sop up as much tax revenue as they can. The likelihood of an IRS audit on your last 7 years of tax returns just went way up. What will that cost you?
But you're short on cash
You know all this and it doesn’t matter how many times or how convincingly we point out the precarious financial footing our economy is on, or how gold can cushion the blow of major economic disruptions. The grocery store and the gas pump has already disrupted your personal economy. Inflation is eating into your monthly cash flow and the bills are piling up. You're just not in a position to invest in precious metals right now.
Or ARE you?
Remember that 401(k) from 3 jobs ago? Just sitting dormant, collecting dust, losing value. You haven't even thought about it for years, but it's still there. You could leverage that old account to gain exposure to gold! And the best part? You have the option for any associated fees to come directly out of the account. You could invest THOUSANDS of dollars in gold and silver and it would be cash flow neutral for your monthly budget! (You can also pay any fees out of pocket if you wish to preserve your capital - its up to you! And by the way, our fees are very low.)
Not only that, but you retain all the tax advantages of your current retirement account, while ditching the dollar and going with GOLD.
Our account executives make it quick and easy. Call today and you'll be routed right to your account executive's desk and they can get the process started for you.
When it comes time to take distributions, you can actually have your physical metals shipped to you! Another option is to liquidate the metals and have the proceeds wired to your bank. The choice is yours.
For many Americans, the existence of the Self-Directed Precious Metals Backed IRA puts meaningful gold and silver investing within reach. This is a fantastic tax loophole we believe every American should take advantage of before it's too late. That's why we call it the Precious Metals IRA. Won't you sleep better at night knowing your retirement funds are fortified with gold?