"....free money for the rest of us."And just where this line of thinking could put us!
I find it disturbing that statements like this are being run-up-the-flagpole. In the guise of social change, this is openly being discussed. It is not my job here to pontificate on social issues, but economic ones – YES!
Robert Murphy wrote yesterday for Whiskey and Gunpowder an article entitled Inflationists in Wolves' Clothing as he took issue with economists calling for more helicopter money. Just reading the term “free money” makes me want to count my stack of gold coins!
He concluded: “
The world has been in a strange environment in the last three years, in which massive expansions in central-bank balance sheets haven't led to $10 gasoline and $5 loaves of bread (my add here – not yet!). Regardless of which school of thought can best explain these events, we are all going to rue the fact that the grand lesson flowing out of this episode is that money printing can bring prosperity. Now that this idea has firmly taken root, it will take a large collapse in consumer purchasing power to remind everybody why "inflation" used to be a dirty word.”
Before you hear more misguided economists ask for more helicopter money, put your hard earned money into physical gold with us here at Lear Capital!