FX Empire: A Dream Derailed...Why Boomers Can't Retire

How did the largest and richest generation in US history go from “boom” to “bust”?
The Baby Boomers, typically considered to be the generation born between 1946 and 1964, are some 76.4 million strong. The oldest boomers were children during the Korean War, a large percentage remember Vietnam, there were young Boomers at Woodstock, most watched the Iranian Hostage Crisis on TV, and all were products of the Reagan and Clinton presidencies.
Baby Boomers saw the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, the advent of the Personal Computer, the rise of women’s equality, the birth of environmentalism, and the founding of both Microsoft and Apple. This is the generation that embraced remote controls, handheld calculators, workout videos, and the dawn of the internet.
So how did an age group so steeped in accomplishment find themselves so unprepared for retirement?
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