It's Official!! American Gold Eagles Break Through $1600
While the news, suggests gold prices are rising but still falling short of that mystical $1600 per ounce level, 1 oz. American Gold Eagle Coins are soaring.As I write, the price at which Lear Capital will buy your 1 oz. Gold Eagle is solidly above $1600 at $1616.49 an ounce.Check it out for yourself.What better testimony of a coins value than a bid from a major precious metals company to buy it from you.
As you may see, the Gold Krugerrand, Canadian Gold Maple Leaf and even the Austrian Philharmonic also command a buy-back price above $1600 an ounce.While they do not command the premium of a Gold Eagle, all three are beating the spot price handily.
Silver Eagles are also beating the spot price.With spot currently at $39.14 the buy-back on this coin is a solid $40.89.Even generic silver 1 oz. coins are commanding a bit of a premium over the published spot price of silver.
The true test of the viability of any investment is liquidity.Gold and Silver American Eagles may be the most liquid investment in the world.For real-time buy and sell prices on the some of the world's most popular coins visit here.
If you would like a FREE Real-Time Gold Ticker on your phone, desktop or even your web site, click here for your FREE Exact Price Widget compliments of Lear Capital.