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The Street: Forget Gold's Rally, Get Smart and Buy Silver Says Rich Dad's Robert Kiyosaki

July 8, 2019

Article by Daniela Cambone in The Street

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has only one piece of advice for investors of all ages seeking to build wealth: buy "real" money.

"I always say the same thing...right now, people say 'well, I can't afford gold,' then buy silver. Silver is so undervalued today. I can buy silver for two bucks, I can go to a coin dealer and buy a dime for two bucks, ten cents for two bucks, so everybody can do something to get what I call real money, not fake money," Kiyosaki told Kitco News.

Kiyosaki noted that current fiat money has not had "real" worth ever since the abandonment of the gold standard.

"In 1972 I finally bought my first Krugerrand for about $50 in Hong Kong and I became a criminal because I had to smuggle that Krugerrand into the United States because it was illegal for Americans to own gold," he said. "That Krugerrand that I paid, let's say, $50 for, today it's worth $1,500. Now who was smarter, the guy who saved money, or the person who saved gold."

Silver is in the same category, Kiyosaki added, and the white metal has great upside potential at current prices.

To read this article in The Street in its entirety, click here.

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