Social Security Checks: We have GOOD News and BAD News
The good news first.
Checks are soon to be in the mail and a cost of living increase is coming. And its historic at 8.7%. As Joe Biden pointed out, it’s the biggest in decades. He’s very proud of that. Or he was, until (now) Elon Musk’s Twitter added context to a White House tweet about it.
Yikes, that fact check. The White House has since deleted that tweet.
Which brings up the bad news.
Your cost of living increase is, by law, tied to inflation, and it’s not going to be enough to cover the real effects of inflation.
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For decades, formulas for metrics like inflation and money supply have been manipulated to present a more favorable picture to the public. Business economist John Williams noticed this and started keeping track of labor, employment and inflation statistics using classic methodologies and the result is
Are you ready for this?
Using the formula from 1980 – the same formula that measured the inflation of the 1970’s, we have HIGHER inflation than we did then. Calculated that way, inflation is around 17%, not the official 8-9%.